Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tour of our Taipei Apartment!

We finally got a new camera, so here is a tour of our apartment :) It's really small but it's really cool and in a great location.
Here is the downstairs tour:

Here is the loft:

And here is the roof:

We're very glad to be settling in and getting our bearings! We're living in the Da'an district which is awesome. Originally we wanted to live outside the city but the MRT is so convenient and we were scared to drive in the traffic. It's smaller and more expensive in the city but it's an ok tradeoff for the convenience. It's still much MUCH cheaper than Irvine!

Next up is the job hunt!


  1. Love the apartment! It's funny...Last Saturday night I had a dream that you and Rico came back home because you used up all your money too fast. When I woke up, I saw all the video tours of your super nice, super expensive apartment. =) If necessary, downgrade to a cheap place so you have more money to travel and have fun!

  2. Haha, we're doing good actually. Sucks that when we get jobs we don't get paid for the first month though! (Taiwanese custom, they want to make sure you don't scram.) The difference between the "cheap" places in the city and the "really expensive" places in Taiwan is only about U.S. $100 so it doesn't make much difference to us. When we start working we will make NT $650-700 an hour and our friend Shane says most Taiwanese only make about NT $1000 in a whole day, so we will actually be well compensated for once!

    A lot of the older places weren't furnished anyway, only the newer more expensive ones were, so it was a good trade off because we don't want to buy a bunch of furniture just to stay here a year (way too expensive and we would have no idea how to resell).

  3. Another thing-whenever we meet other expats on job interviews they (especially the ones on 30 day landing visas as opposed to 60 day visitor visas we have) are always super worried and stressed about finding a job, burning through their money, and having to make a visa run. Start up expenses here are big (apartments require 2 months rent deposit and the first month (this is illegal in the U.S. to require such a big deposit))and all your basic furnishing and cleaning stuff.

    It's easier for Rico and me because we are sharing all these expenses and food and stuff. We can easily both eat on $5 a day because we share. If one of us gets a job we're set and there's two of us so we have much better chances! When we're both working we make easily 6x the rent so we will have plenty of money to travel or save (probably travel).
